Important Notice: Fee Increase Effective September 1, 2024
Any previously issued quotes that have not been signed are now invalid. For updated pricing, please contact us directly.
Latest Admission Results for BenIvy Students

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

University of California, Irvine

University of California, Riverside

University of California, Santa Barbara

The University of Texas at Austin
Rutgers University New Brunswick

Perdue University

Case Western Reserve University

University of Massachusetts - Amherst

Pennsylvania State University

University of Maryland
University of Miami
The Latest University Merit-Based Scholarships Received by BenIvy students (T100)
University of Notre Dame (Stamps Scholarship that covers four years' tuition & fees)
Emory University (Goizueta Scholarship that covers four years' tuition & fees)
University of Southern California (that covers four years' tuition & fees)
Boston College (Gabelli Presidential Scholarship that covers four years' tuition & fees)
Boston University (Trustee Scholarship that covers four years' tuition & fees)
Georgia Institute of Technology (Stamps Scholarship that covers four years' tuition, housing, meal plan)
Rutgers University, New Brunswick (Posse Scholarship that covers four years' tuition, housing, meal plan)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Presidential Scholarship with a minimum of $100,000 within four years)
University of Washington Seattle (Purple & Gold Scholarship)
University of Massachusetts - Amherst (CS honors, with a minimum of $40,000 within four years)